Discover Virtual Villagers, a life simulation video game series by Last Day of Work, where you care for tribes across islands, teach skills, explore environments, solve puzzles, and make decisions affecting villagers' lives.
Virtual Villagers is a popular series of life simulation video games developed and published by independent game studio Last Day of Work. The first game in the series, Virtual Villagers: The Lost Children, was released in 2006.
In the Virtual Villagers games, players are responsible for caring for a small tribe of villagers who have washed ashore on a remote island. As the village chieftain, the player must help the villagers survive, thrive, and repopulate by directing them to perform tasks like building huts, gathering food, researching technologies, and raising children.
Gameplay revolves around making decisions in real-time about how to use the villagers' limited time and energy. Over generations, the villagers develop culture and customs and the player can direct them to explore new parts of their environment.
The Virtual Villagers series includes over a dozen games across various platforms like PC, Mac, iOS, and Android. While each entry features different environments and characters, core gameplay focuses on simulation, problem-solving, and resource management. Critics praise the games for their addictive gameplay hooks and creativity.
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