Godus is a god game created by 22Cans and designed by Peter Molyneux, where players take the role of a god who shapes the development of a civilization. Players sculpt the landscape, guide citizens, and expand their civilization from a single settlement into an empire.
Godus is a god game originally conceived by Peter Molyneux and developed by his studio 22Cans. In Godus, players take on the role of a fledgling god in charge of nurturing a civilization from its humble nomadic roots through expansion and advancement into a mighty empire capable of traversing the stars.
Gameplay involves sculpting varied terrain to provide your followers with habitable spaces, overseeing the growth of settlements into cities as the population increases, interacting directly with the citizenry to gain belief which allows greater godly powers, discovering technologies and grand constructions that enhance your civilization, opposing other gods where beliefs clash or terrains meet, spreading your civilization to new lands across sea and sky while avoiding natural calamities, and ultimately guiding the civilization from primitive shelters towards spacefaring industry.
As a god game and spiritual successor in the Populous and Black & White series that Molyneux pioneered, Godus emphasizes governing overall direction and trends rather than individual units and tactics. With simple controls for terraforming and citizen engagement layered with complex emergent population, technological, political, and military systems, players shape the advancement of civilization over the course of history itself towards utopian or dystopian ends.