British television drama thriller series that aired on Sky 1, focusing on cyber warfare and starring Matthew Macfadyen and John Hurt, depicting hackers and government agencies working to protect or exploit computer security systems.
Wargame is a British television drama thriller series that aired on Sky 1 for 3 seasons from 2013 to 2016. The series was created by William Gibson and centers around cyber warfare and hacking between various entities.
It stars Matthew Macfadyen as Max Daedalus, a hacker and former member of the REACT hacking group who is recruited to work covertly for the British government in tracking down cyber criminals and terrorists online. Veteran actor John Hurt plays Julian Ballard, director of the National Security Agency who often works closely with Max.
Each season of Wargame features an overarching storyline involving Max, Julian, and the REACT team attempting to stop various cyber threats, hacker collectives, or cyber criminals. They utilize their expertise in hacking and security systems to infiltrate networks and prevent large-scale attacks. In parallel, the series also highlights the personal lives and relationships of the central characters.
Wargame received positive reviews for its suspenseful writing, technological accuracy, and acting performances. Critics praised the series for its sophisticated depiction of modern cyber warfare through hacking, malware, digital surveillance and more. Over its three seasons, Wargame built an audience and fanbase as an intelligent cyber thriller.
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