Color hexa is a simple online color tool that allows users to input hex color codes and generate matching color swatches. It also includes complementary, analogous, triadic, and other color scheme options.
Color hexa is a handy online tool for web designers, artists, and anyone who works with color. It allows you to easily input hex color codes and generate matching color swatches. Simply type or paste in your hex code and Color hexa will instantly display the color, along with useful information like RGB and HSL values.
One of the most useful features of Color hexa is the ability to generate different color schemes based on your original hex color. Options include complementary (opposite on the color wheel), analogous (adjacent colors), and triadic (three colors equally spaced around the wheel) schemes. This makes it easy to pick out aesthetically-pleasing color combinations for projects.
In addition to solid color schemes, Color hexa can also create monochromatic (shades of the same hue) and compound (combined analogous and complementary) schemes. You can preview any of the suggested colors just by clicking on them.
For inspiration, Color hexa includes popular color palette examples from brands like Instagram and McDonald’s. There’s also a random color generator if you need some fresh ideas.
With its clean and simple interface, Color hexa is easy for anyone to use. Whether you’re trying to spruce up a website design, select colors for an interior space, or make artwork pop, this color tool has you covered.
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