Gears of War is a popular third-person shooter video game franchise developed by Epic Games, taking place on the fictional planet of Sera and following a squad of soldiers fighting against alien creatures called the Locust Horde.
Gears of War is a hit video game franchise developed and published by Epic Games. Initially released in 2006 for the Xbox 360 platform, the Gears of War series features third-person tactical shooter gameplay with influences from survival horror and military science fiction genres.
The story takes place on a fictional planet called Sera, where humanity has been engaged in an epic struggle with an aggressive alien race known as the Locust Horde for decades. The player assumes the role of Marcus Fenix, a war hero brought back into action who finds himself battling to save humankind from annihilation. Marcus is the leader of Delta Squad, an elite infantry group comprised of fellow soldiers like his best friend Dom, the stalwart hulking Dizzy, and women Anya and Sam.
Gameplay revolves around the use of cover to gain tactical advantages and mowing down enemy forces with an arsenal of powerful firearms like the iconic Lancer, which features a mounted chainsaw bayonet. The series is known for stunning graphics, intense action and violence, and co-op multiplayer modes.
Since the original title's release, the franchise has expanded into books, comics, graphic novels, collectibles, and more. Multiple sequels have been made to continue the story, including Gears of War 2, 3, 4, and Gears 5 in 2019. The series remains popular among players for its rich sci-fi universe, gritty narrative, engaging characters, and stunning visual presentation.