The God of War series is an acclaimed action-adventure video game franchise developed by Santa Monica Studio and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment. Players control the angry Spartan warrior Kratos as he battles mythological foes like gods, titans, and beasts from Greek mythology using his Blades of Chaos and array of weapons and magic.
The God of War series is an acclaimed action-adventure video game franchise developed by Santa Monica Studio and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment exclusively for the PlayStation line of consoles. The series debuted in 2005 on the PlayStation 2 and has become a flagship Sony franchise, consisting of eight games across multiple PlayStation platforms.
The games follow the angry Spartan warrior Kratos as the main protagonist, who often battles with both mythological foes like gods, titans and beasts derived from Greek mythology as well as threats from other mythologies like Norse gods. Armed with magical weapons like the Blades of Chaos and assisted by allies like the wise Athenian warrior goddess Athena, Kratos usually embarks on quests fueled by vengeance against those who have wronged him and betrayal from the gods.
Core gameplay often has the player control Kratos in combo-based combat, platforming sequences, and puzzle solving. Boss battles against larger-than-life foes like the infamous god Ares are a notable element. The games are hailed for their impressive visuals and production values like camera work and music, with shifting gameplay foundations across the arc of the series.
The God of War games cover different chapters in the life of Kratos across multiple mythologies, from his service to the Greek gods as an unwilling warrior, to revenge against them, to his attempt at redemption. The overarching story sees Kratos trying to free himself from the shadow of his dark past.
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