The Grand Theft Auto series is a popular action-adventure video game franchise created by Rockstar Games, known for its open world gameplay set in fictional cities modeled after real locations. The games allow players to freely roam the world and engage in both story-driven missions as well as their own ventures.
The Grand Theft Auto series is a critically acclaimed and commercially successful action-adventure video game franchise created and published by Rockstar Games. Set within fully realized fictional locales modeled after American cities, the games center around free-roaming sandbox environments where players have the ability to interact with the world in various ways.
Throughout the course of the games, players complete story-based missions as well as optional side quests and activities. Signature gameplay elements of the series include driving and shooting mechanics, melee combat, role-playing game elements that allow character customization, and the ability to switch between different protagonists. The series is infamous for featuring violence, criminal activities, mature humor and content.
Since the original 2D Grand Theft Auto game launched in 1997, the series has evolved into expansive open worlds in stunning 3D environments. Subsequent titles have experimented with multiple protagonists and branching storylines set across different cities, including Liberty City, Vice City and San Andreas (based on New York, Miami and regions of California respectively).
With its immersive world, sandbox gameplay and production values, the Grand Theft Auto series has been revolutionary in advancing the video game industry and cementing Rockstar Games' status as a leader in the open world genre. As of 2022, the series has sold over 380 million copies worldwide across 24 titles, making it one of the most successful video game franchises of all time.