4X space strategy game released in 2000, featuring planet colonization, technology research, and fleet command in an open-ended single-player campaign across multiple star systems.
Imperium Galactica II Alliances is a 4X (eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, and eXterminate) space strategy game developed by Digital Reality and published by CDV Software Entertainment in 2000. It is a sequel to the popular 1997 4X space game Imperium Galactica.
In Imperium Galactica II Alliances, players take control of one of six unique races across a dynamic single-player campaign set in an open-ended galaxy with multiple star systems to explore. Gameplay focuses heavily on economics, research, diplomacy, and space combat.
Key features include:
With its blend of 4X strategy, resource management, research, combat, diplomacy, and sandbox elements, Imperium Galactica II Alliances offers significant depth and replay value for fans of the space strategy genre.