Independent, non-partisan debate forum focused on current affairs and cultural issues, hosting Oxford-style debates with prominent guest speakers
Intelligence Squared (also known as Intelligence X or IQ2) is an independent, non-partisan debate forum organization that hosts Oxford-style debates focused on current affairs and cultural issues. The debates feature prominent guest speakers arguing for and against motions such as "Ban Fast Food Advertising" or "The Catholic Church is a Force for Good".
Intelligence X was founded in London in 2002 in partnership with The Economist magazine. The goal was to enliven public discourse and restore the art of debate. Since then, it has expanded internationally with offices in New York and Hong Kong. Debates take place before a live audience, who vote on the motion before and after the debate. So half the focus is on whether speakers can actually change people's minds through reasoned arguments.
The debate topics span everything from technology and economics to social issues and religion. Intelligence X carefully vets both sides to ensure fresh arguments rather than party-line talking points. Over the years, they have featured speakers such as Stephen Fry, Malcolm Gladwell, Richard Dawkins, Henry Kissinger and many more leading thinkers.
In addition to the debates themselves, Intelligence X also produces a podcast and online archive with the full debate recordings, plus curricular materials to promote debate in schools. So in summary, it provides a forum to hash out complex issues in public discourse without descending into mindless partisan bickering.
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