Animated web series about a zombie apocalypse. Main character Alex survives the outbreak, trying to make sense of the chaos.
Operation Zombie D Episode-1 introduces viewers to Alex, an average teenager living in suburbia. As Alex goes through his normal routine one morning, he notices strange reports on the news about people attacking each other. He brushes it off at first, but soon realizes something more sinister is happening when his neighbor tries to break into his house and attack him.
Alex manages to escape next door to his friend Jason's house, only to find Jason is already showing symptoms of whatever is causing people to turn violent. It soon becomes clear that some kind of zombie plague is sweeping through the population, turning normal people into ravenous, mindless attackers. Alex and Jason try to stick together as society descends into chaos around them.
This first episode sets up the premise for the Operation Zombie D series. We get the initial zombie outbreak that upends everything, and follow Alex as an unlikely hero trying to make sense of what's happening. The episode ends on a cliffhanger as Alex and Jason debate their next move, leaving viewers to wonder what will happen to the two friends next. Overall, it's an action-packed introduction to the series that sets an ominous tone while leaving room for more adventure.