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Strapi is an open-source headless CMS that allows you to build and manage content APIs quickly. It is developer-friendly, using Node.js, and gives you full control to customize the content model. Strapi lets you focus on building frontend applications while it handles complex backend tasks.

What is Strapi?

Strapi is an open-source headless content management system (CMS) that allows developers to easily build, manage and distribute content APIs. It is entirely built on Node.js and gives developers complete control and flexibility to customize their content structure without having to rely on database administrators.

Some key features and benefits of Strapi include:

  • Headless CMS - Strapi decouples content from presentation, allowing content to be delivered to any device or frontend technology like mobile apps, websites, IoT devices etc.
  • Custom Content Types - Quickly create and manage content types to match your needs. Strapi provides an intuitive admin panel and API to manage content.
  • Developer-friendly - Strapi saves developers time by handling complex backend tasks like authentication, database connections, hosting etc. Developers can focus on building amazing digital experiences.
  • Open source - Strapi is an MIT-licensed open source project with a large community contributing plugins, documentation and ideas.
  • Content-centric APIs - Easily build and extend content APIs to power different applications and devices.
  • Plugin ecosystem - Extend Strapi's functionality with community or custom plugins like memberships, permissions etc.
  • Multi-database and multi-environment support - Works with MongoDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL etc. and supports multiple environments like staging, production, test etc.

Strapi gives developers extreme flexibility and speeds up development by handling complex infrastructure. It is a future-proof solution for content management.

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