A sequel to Super Mario Bros. X, featuring new power-ups, enemies, and levels, while maintaining the classic Mario gameplay. Rescue Princess Peach in a journey through mushroom kingdoms, ghost houses, and Bowser's castles.
Super Mario Bros. X2 is an unofficial, fan-made sequel to the popular Super Mario Bros. X fangame. Like the original, X2 strives to recreate the look and feel of classic 2D Mario titles while introducing new features.
The core gameplay remains unchanged - players control Mario or Luigi and must jump, stomp, and power-up through various themed levels full of blocks, enemies, and obstacles. The goal is to reach the end-of-level flagpole. Scattered throughout the levels are power-ups like the Fire Flower, allowing Mario to shoot fireballs, and the fan-favorite Raccoon Leaf, which gives him the ability to fly.
X2 brings a host of new elements as well. There are new power-ups like the Propeller Mushroom for extra high jumps and the Ice Flower for freezing and smashing enemies and blocks. Many new levels have also been designed, including fortresses, airships, haunted ghost houses, and the dreaded bowser castles. Additionally, Yoshi makes an appearance in certain levels.
While not an official Nintendo release, Super Mario Bros. X2 is a polished and expansive fan project made by dedicated Mario fans and recommended for anyone looking for a fresh take on the classic 2D Mario formula.