Qualitative data analysis software used in academic research, for importing, coding, annotating, and analyzing textual data.
The Ethnograph is a long-standing qualitative data analysis software that has been used extensively in anthropology and sociology research since the 1980s. It provides a comprehensive suite of tools for managing, coding, linking, analyzing, and reporting on qualitative data such as interview transcripts, focus group recordings, field observations, historical archives, and open-ended survey answers.
Key features include highly customizable and hierarchical coding schemes, conceptual mapping and analysis tools, search and retrieval functions, multidimensional crosstab reports, and publication-quality reporting. The Ethnograph works with textual data, but has limited multimedia support.
The software is geared towards rigorous academic analysis, promoting iterative engagement with qualitative data to uncover themes, test theories, and develop analytic explanations. The interface may seem outdated but is carefully tuned for intensive coding work. The Ethnograph exports to R and Python for additional analysis.
The Ethnograph excels at longitudinal studies with large volumes of textual data. It has an established user base across universities and research centers. While proprietary, it has competitive licensing and academic pricing. Training and support are available through the active user community mailing list.