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Visitlead Live Chat

Visitlead Live Chat is a live chat software that allows companies to chat with website visitors in real-time. It has features like real-time visitor monitoring, chatbot integration, web analytics integration, customizable chat widgets, and more.

What is Visitlead Live Chat?

Visitlead Live Chat is a feature-rich live chat software designed for companies who want to improve sales and customer experience through real-time website chat. It enables businesses to chat with visitors on their website or mobile app in real-time and convert them into leads and customers.

Key features of Visitlead Live Chat include:

  • Real-time visitor monitoring to see who is on your website
  • Chatbots for automating conversations when agents are not available
  • Web analytics integration with Google Analytics for identifying visitor trends
  • Customizable chat widgets to match your brand
  • Chat agent transcripts for improving response quality
  • Lead and deal management to capture prospect information
  • Mobile apps so agents can chat from anywhere
  • Third-party integrations with CRM, email marketing, and help desk software

Visitlead makes it easy for sales and customer support teams to engage website visitors proactively and provide a personalized experience. With robust analytics and lead management tools, Visitlead Live Chat gives critical insights to convert more traffic into business opportunities.

The Best Visitlead Live Chat Alternatives

Top Apps like Visitlead Live Chat

Live Helper Chat, PyLiveResponse, IMsupporting are some alternatives to Visitlead Live Chat.

Live Helper Chat

Live Helper Chat is an open-source live chat application written in PHP and MySQL. It enables websites to engage with visitors in real-time through chat conversations. Some key features of Live Helper Chat include:Unlimited chat agents and departments - Allow multiple chat agents to handle conversations and organize them...


PyLiveResponse is an open-source Incident Response framework written in Python. It provides first responders with the ability to collect forensic artifacts from Windows, macOS, and Linux systems to aid in incident investigations.Some key features of PyLiveResponse include:Lightweight and fast - uses Python for quickly collecting artifacts from endpointsEasy...


IMsupporting is a feature-rich customer service software designed to help businesses deliver exceptional customer support across multiple digital channels.It provides an omni-channel platform that lets support teams manage customer conversations from one unified inbox. Agents can respond to customer queries over email, live chat, social media, and messaging apps...