A free, open-source color picker and color identification tool for Windows, useful for web designers and graphic designers to easily sample colors from screens and retrieve HTML HEX codes and RGB values.
What The Hex? is a handy free color identification tool for Windows that makes it easy to sample any on-screen color and get the hexadecimal code value along with the RGB values.
Some key features of What The Hex?:
What The Hex? makes color sampling a breeze when you're working on graphical or web design projects. Instead of guesswork when trying to determine hex codes, you can use this tool to instantly sample colors precisely. This saves time and ensures accuracy.
As it is open-source software, What The Hex? is completely free to use with no ads or feature limitations. It works well as a portable app too, requiring no installation. For anyone working with color for the web or digital design work, What The Hex? is an invaluable tool for your toolbox.
Here are some alternatives to What The Hex?:
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