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Bootstrap CMS

Bootstrap CMS is an open-source content management system built on the Bootstrap framework. It is designed to be easy to use, customizable, and integrate seamlessly with Bootstrap themes and templates.

What is Bootstrap CMS?

Bootstrap CMS is an open-source content management system built on the popular Bootstrap front-end framework. It provides a user-friendly administrative interface for managing website content without needing to know any code.

Some key features of Bootstrap CMS include:

  • Intuitive WYSIWYG content editor for easily creating and formatting content pages
  • Drag and drop widgets for building custom page layouts
  • SEO-friendly URL structure and built-in metadata management
  • Role-based user permissions for managing access and privileges
  • Easily customizable using LESS stylesheets and template override system
  • Automatic integration with existing Bootstrap 3 themes and templates
  • Extendable through plugins to add advanced functions as needed

Because Bootstrap CMS leverages Bootstrap both on the front and back end, it provides a streamlined workflow for web designers and developers working with Bootstrap. The admin interface uses familiar Bootstrap components like panels, forms, tables etc. This allows building functional, attractive websites quickly without needing to build a custom CMS.

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