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Divjoy is a no-code website builder that makes it easy to create custom, high-quality React websites visually. It has a large library of pre-made components that you can drag-and-drop to build pages.

What is Divjoy?

Divjoy is a no-code website builder focused specifically on creating sites with React. It allows anyone to visually design custom, high-performing websites with React without needing to know how to code.

Some key features of Divjoy include:

  • Drag-and-drop visual editor to build React page layouts quickly
  • Large library of responsive, customizable components like headers, CTAs, galleries, etc.
  • Option to add custom React code in the visual editor
  • Generates clean, modern websites with React under the hood for speed and SEO
  • Deploy sites with one click - hosts the site and handles optimizations
  • Includes themes and templates for common site types like blogs, marketing sites, etc.
  • Plugins for adding advanced functionality like user authentication
  • Great for marketers, agencies, and developers to quickly spin up custom React-powered sites

Overall, Divjoy simplifies React website creation, allowing you to focus on design and content instead of worrying about coding. Its flexibility makes Divjoy a great choice for a wide range of website projects.

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