Freelance marketplace connecting businesses with freelancers to outsource tasks and projects, allowing companies to post jobs and freelancers to bid on them. is an online freelance marketplace launched in 2019 that connects businesses and entrepreneurs with skilled freelancers to outsource projects, tasks and jobs. It aims to make hiring freelance talent quick, easy and affordable.
On, clients can post job listings and freelancers submit proposals and bids for the work. The platform allows clients to browse freelancer profiles, chat with candidates, view proposals, accept bids and pay for work through JobDone. Once a project is finished, both the client and freelancer leave reviews. The platform fosters secure collaboration and communication. boasts over 500,000 freelancers covering over 150 categories. With their large talent pool, the site can handle a wide range of creative, digital, writing, administrative, engineering and business jobs of any scope and budget. They also offer 24/7 support in case any issues come up during a project.
For freelancers, JobDone provides an opportunity to work from anywhere with flexible hours, while having a support team find work opportunities and handle payments. The site aims to level the playing field for freelancers to earn livable wages for skilled work.
Compared to sites like Upwork and Fiverr, promises higher pay for freelancers, lower fees and a more approachable support system. Their platform is designed for smaller businesses who want to access freelance help easily and affordably.
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