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Lingon is an automation tool for macOS that can schedule tasks and scripts to run at specific times or intervals. It provides a graphical interface to easily create launch agents and daemons.

What is Lingon?

Lingon is an automation and task scheduling application designed specifically for macOS. It provides an intuitive graphical user interface that allows you to easily create launch agents and daemons to run scripts, applications, and other tasks automatically at specified times or intervals.

Some key features of Lingon include:

  • Schedule any script, application, or custom command to run at a specific date/time, repeat hourly/daily/weekly/monthly, on login, reboot, etc.
  • Create graphical workflows to chain multiple scripts and commands together.
  • Convert workflows into standalone applications for easy reuse.
  • Export scheduled tasks as XML property list files that can be loaded as LaunchAgents or LaunchDaemons.
  • Includes premade actions to control many aspects of macOS, like sleep, shutdown, open files, send notifications, etc.
  • Easy graphical logs browser to monitor the output of scheduled tasks.
  • AppleScript support for advanced scripting capabilities.

With its flexibility and wide range of features focused on task automation, Lingon is an essential tool for power users and IT professionals to streamline workflows on macOS. It makes it simple to run any routine tasks automatically without needing to manually run scripts or applications.

The Best Lingon Alternatives

Top Apps like Lingon

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