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Monaco Editor

The Monaco Editor is a lightweight, customizable code editor that can be embedded in web applications. It is developed by Microsoft and used in Visual Studio Code. The Monaco Editor provides features like syntax highlighting, autocomplete, and linting for many programming languages.

What is Monaco Editor?

The Monaco Editor is an open-source, versatile text editor that can be embedded in web applications. It is developed by Microsoft and also used as the engine powering the Visual Studio Code editor.

Some key features of Monaco Editor include:

  • Lightweight and customizable code editor that runs in the browser
  • Supports syntax highlighting, autocomplete, linting for dozens of languages like JavaScript, Python, C#, Java, etc.
  • Extensible through a rich API for adding languages, themes, commands
  • Open source (MIT license) and backed by Microsoft
  • Used in many Microsoft products like Visual Studio Code, Azure Portal and Office Online
  • Can be self-hosted or loaded from a CDN
  • Accessible design and keyboard navigation
  • Theming and customization options
  • Diff editor, minimap, code folding and other productivity features

With its rich features, customizability and lightweight nature, the Monaco Editor is a great choice for embedding an editor into web apps. Many well-known sites like CodePen, CodeSandbox and StackBlitz use the Monaco Editor as their editing component. It rivals other browser-based editors like CodeMirror and Ace Editor in popularity and capabilities.

The Best Monaco Editor Alternatives

Top Apps like Monaco Editor

CodeMirror, ACE Code Editor, CodeJar are some alternatives to Monaco Editor.


CodeMirror is an open-source browser-based text editor intended for use in web applications. It provides functionality similar to text editors designed for coding, such as syntax highlighting, automatic indentation, search and replace, and bracket matching.Some key features of CodeMirror include:Support for over 100 programming languages and markup languages including...

ACE Code Editor

ACE Code Editor is a highly customizable, lightweight, open-source code editor written purely in JavaScript. It aims to create a web-based code editor that matches and extends the features, usability and experience of existing native code editors such as Sublime, Vim and TextMate.Some key features of ACE Code Editor...


CodeJar is a free online code editor and playground that allows developers to quickly test and experiment with code snippets without having to set up a development environment. It supports major web development languages including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, PHP, Python, Ruby, C, C++, C#, Java, Swift, Go, Kotlin, SQL...