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Oracle TimesTen

Oracle TimesTen is an in-memory, relational database that is optimized for performance-critical applications. It provides fast access to frequently updated data and supports ACID-compliant transactions.

What is Oracle TimesTen?

Oracle TimesTen is an in-memory, relational database management system that is designed to improve application performance and reduce system overhead for transaction-intensive applications. Unlike traditional disk-based relational databases, TimesTen holds databases fully in physical memory to avoid disk I/O delays during transactions.

Key features of TimesTen include:

  • Extreme performance - By eliminating disk I/O, TimesTen can provide very low predictable response and throughput times measured in microseconds.
  • Memory optimizations - TimesTen uses advanced memory and disk management to optimize memory utilization.
  • SQL support - Applications can interact with TimesTen using standard SQL interfaces like JDBC, ODBC, and Pro*C.
  • Recoverability - TimesTen databases can persist to disk for disaster recovery. Transactions are logged for reliable recovery after any planned or unplanned shutdown.
  • Integration - TimesTen works seamlessly with Oracle Database for a high-performance transactional data store.

In summary, TimesTen is designed to boost transaction throughput and reduce latency for time-sensitive applications that require real-time responsiveness. Its in-memory architecture makes it well-suited for telecom, financial trading, gaming, and other high volume workloads.

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