Create stunning long exposure light paintings and animations with PixelStick, a tool featuring programmable LED lights for unique artistic expressions.
Pixelstick is a unique light painting and photography tool used to create animated light drawings and long exposure photographs. It consists of a slim handheld wand that contains a string of bright, programmable full color LED lights.
To use Pixelstick, you program an image or animation onto its LED strip using the companion mobile app. Then at night, you go out to a dark location, mount your camera on a tripod, and open the shutter with a long exposure setting.
While the shutter is open, you wave the Pixelstick through the air like a sparkler, essentially using it to draw the programmed image in thin air. As you move it, the LEDs turn on and off to form the image you selected. This creates stunning animated light trails that are captured by the camera's long exposure.
After the exposure finishes, the result is a unique long exposure photo or motion blur animation, with the appearance of lines and shapes magically floating in midair. The possibilities are endless - draw shapes, words, silhouettes of objects, replicate famous light paintings, create surreal animations, and more.
Pixelstick streamlines and digitizes the light painting process to open up creative options that are difficult to achieve manually. The programmable LED strip contains over 300 individually controllable lights, allowing for crisp and complex light drawings. It's an innovative tool for photographers and content creators looking to capture eye-catching in-camera light art.
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