SignalRGB is an open source RGB lighting control software that allows you to control RGB components from various brands. It has support for motherboard lighting, DRAM, GPUs, keyboards, mice and more from brands like ASUS, MSI, Gigabyte, Corsair, Razer and others.
SignalRGB is an open source RGB lighting control software that allows you to control and synchronize the RGB lighting across components from various brands. It has support for controlling motherboard, DRAM, GPU, keyboard, mouse, and other RGB lighting components from major brands such as ASUS, MSI, Gigabyte, ASRock, Corsair, Razer and more.
Some of the key features of SignalRGB include:
SignalRGB provides a unified interface to control all your RGB components through a single app instead of using multiple softwares from different brands. It gives you more advanced effects and customization options compared to what is available through individual brand softwares. As it is open source, it has an active development community adding support for more hardware components.
Here are some alternatives to SignalRGB:
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