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SiteCrawler is a website crawler and scraper software tool. It allows users to crawl websites to extract data, mine content, monitor sites for changes, and perform SEO analysis. SiteCrawler has features like visual point-and-click configuration, flexible crawling rules, and data exports.

What is SiteCrawler?

SiteCrawler is a robust and versatile website crawling and scraping tool used for content mining, data extraction, website change detection, and SEO auditing. It provides an intuitive point-and-click interface to configure customized crawls through sitemaps, internal links, external links or using advanced options like regex rules.

Key features include:

  • Visual workflow designer to set up crawls without coding
  • Granular configuration of crawl scope, rules, filters and data extraction
  • Automatic site map detection and spidering of links
  • Dynamic crawling based on JavaScript rendering and proxies
  • Comparison tools to monitor website changes over time
  • Extraction of text, HTML, images, documents, and media
  • Integrations with databases, analytics tools, and APIs
  • Scalable distributed architecture for large-scale crawls

SiteCrawler balances ease of use through its intuitive interface with advanced functionality catering from basic to experienced users. It can be used by marketing teams for SEO and campaign analysis, data specialists for web scraping and mining, IT administrators to track website changes, and for a variety of other use cases.

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