Released in 2012, Skullgirls features fast-paced combat centered around teams of 1-3 female characters with a distinctive cartoon graphic style and jazz soundtrack.
Skullgirls is a 2D indie fighting game developed by Lab Zero Games and published by Autumn Games. Originally released in 2012 on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360, it has since been ported to additional platforms including PC, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and mobile.
The game features beautiful hand-drawn 2D animation and sprites in an eccentric cartoon style. The all-female cast of fighters engage in high-speed, air-combo-heavy battles accentuated by the game's jazz-inspired soundtrack. Players assemble a team of 1-3 characters and fight against an opposing team in various game modes including story, arcade, survival, and versus.
Skullgirls is praised for its balanced gameplay, innovative fighting mechanics like the ability to call in assist characters mid-combo, and excellent netcode for smooth online play. Since launch, it has received continual update and balance patches and additional DLC characters funded by its passionate fanbase through crowdfunding campaigns.
Overall, Skullgirls is regarded as one of the best indie fighting games on the market due to its challenging and rewarding gameplay, signature visual aesthetic and audio design, and generous ongoing developer support. It has cultivated a hardcore competitive scene despite its modest budget and resources compared to AAA fighting game franchises.