A series of fighting games featuring cartoon-style characters, with various modes and fighting techniques, now available on our software alternatives website
Little Fighter is a popular series of freeware fighting games made by Marti Wong and published underliongates. The games are designed in an anime/manga style with simple cartoon graphics and focus primarily on close combat.
The first game, Little Fighter, was released in 1999 and allows up to 4 players to use keyboard or gamepad controls to face off in battle modes including Deathmatch, Team Battle, Cooperative, and Boss Raid. There is a roster of over 20 playable characters each with their own fighting styles, special moves, and supers. Players can also face off against CPU opponents with adjustable difficulty.
The series continued with Little Fighter 2 in 2003 which expanded the roster to 45 characters, added new modes like Battle Royal, and allowed for further customization. Little Fighter Online attempted to bring the gameplay online in 2009 but was discontinued due to bugs. Other entries like Little Fighter 3 and Little Fighter 4 were also released which added more characters, stages, weapons, and gameplay modes across various updates and versions.
The Little Fighter games offer accessible, casual fun for both single player challenges against the CPU and multiplayer battling with friends. Their cartoony charm, deep rosters, and focus on melee combat have garnered a dedicated cult following within the freeware fighting game realm.