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Adalyz is a cloud-based web analytics platform that provides insights into website traffic, user engagement, conversion rates, and more. It offers easy implementation with JavaScript tracking code and has a user-friendly dashboard to view reports.

What is Adalyz?

Adalyz is a robust web analytics platform designed to help website owners and marketers understand visitor behavior and optimize site performance. Some key features include:

  • Intuitive dashboard with visual reports on traffic sources, page views, bounce rates, goal conversions, etc.
  • In-depth analysis of visitor segments, conversion funnels, landing pages, campaigns and more.
  • Flexible event and goal tracking to measure what matters.
  • Real-time stats and custom alerts to stay on top of trends.
  • Integrations with Google Analytics, Mixpanel, Salesforce and others.
  • Flexible implementation with JavaScript, PHP, Java and REST APIs.
  • Customizable dashboards and reporting to focus on key metrics.
  • Scalable big data architecture to handle large websites and traffic volumes.

Adalyz positions itself as an enterprise-level analytics platform for data-driven teams. They offer different pricing plans based on number of websites, data points and features needed. Free and discounted options are also available for smaller websites. With powerful analytics capabilities and flexibility to evolve alongside business needs, Adalyz is a smart choice to gain actionable insights from website data.

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