GSAP (GreenSock Animation Platform) is a JavaScript animation library that provides high-performance animations, transitions, and motion for the modern web.
GSAP (GreenSock Animation Platform) is a robust JavaScript animation library that provides high-performance animations, transitions, and motion for building animated experiences on the modern web. It is developed and maintained by GreenSock.
Some key features of GSAP include:
GSAP allows developers to animate anything in HTML/SVG/Canvas with ease. From simple property animations like movement and opacity, to complex sequenced animations. It provides fine-grained control over the animation behavior with custom easing curves, durations, delays and repeats.
GSAP is used by many large companies and brands to deliver buttery-smooth animations and interactions on their sites. With its performance, flexibility and small footprint, it has become the industry standard animation platform for the web.
Here are some alternatives to GSAP:
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