Text-based serial port communication program for connecting to devices like routers, switches, and serial consoles to configure them over a serial cable.
Minicom is a text-based terminal emulation program for Unix-like operating systems. It is designed to connect to devices with a serial interface, such as routers, switches, servers, and other hardware that can be configured over a serial cable.
Some key features of Minicom include:
Minicom is commonly used by network administrators and hardware technicians to configure headless servers, networking equipment, embedded systems, and other devices that can be accessed via a serial port. It provides an easy way to connect to the serial console without having physical access to a monitor and keyboard.
Since Minicom runs in a terminal, it works well over SSH connections to remotely manage devices. This allows administrators to do initial setup and troubleshooting of equipment located in data centers or remote offices. It is included by default on most Linux distributions and BSD variants.