Oceanhorn is an action-adventure video game developed by Cornfox & Bros, inspired by The Legend of Zelda series, featuring a young boy on a quest to find his lost father and defeat the sea monster Oceanhorn.
Oceanhorn is an action-adventure video game developed and published by Finnish indie development studio Cornfox & Bros. First released in 2013 for iOS, the game has since been ported to many other platforms including Microsoft Windows, macOS, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.
In Oceanhorn, players control a young boy who sets out on a quest to find his lost father and defeat Oceanhorn, a mythical sea monster that threatens the world's safety. The game takes inspiration from classic Legend of Zelda titles and features a brightly colored cartoony art style along with gameplay focused on exploration, puzzles and combat.
Gameplay is shown from an isometric perspective, with players freely roaming the islands and dungeons located in the game's open world. Along the way players battle enemies using swords, bombs and magic while solving environmental puzzles to unlock new areas. Boss fights feature prominently, with massive encounters against creatures like Oceanhorn itself.
Oceanhorn received positive reviews upon its initial mobile release for offering a depth of content more common of full-fledged adventure games. Critics praised its engaging gameplay and charming visuals while some noted its similarities to Zelda were so uncanny as to border on imitation. Nevertheless, the game is regarded as one of the standout iOS titles of its time and an impressive indie production overall.