Free online tool generating readable color palettes for websites and designs, meeting WCAG color contrast requirements
ReadableColorGen is a free online application that helps designers and developers create accessible, high-contrast color palettes for their websites and applications. It aims to make it easy to generate color schemes that meet WCAG 2.1 minimum color contrast ratios, ensuring text remains readable by those with vision impairments.
The tool allows users to input a base color, after which it will automatically generate a palette of 5 additional shades that pass AA and AAA color contrast ratio checks. Users can customize the generated colors to their liking. The palettes can then be exported in various formats for use in CSS, design, and other applications.
Key features of ReadableColorGen include:
By taking the guesswork out of creating accessible color schemes, ReadableColorGen saves designers time and helps ensure compliance with web accessibility standards. Its simple interface makes it easy for anyone to create color palettes that consideration visual impairment needs.
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