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66Analytics is an analytics and data visualization platform designed for marketers. It allows users to connect multiple data sources, analyze consumer behavior, create dashboards and reports, run A/B tests, and more.

What is 66Analytics?

66Analytics is an end-to-end analytics and data visualization platform designed specifically for marketers. With 66Analytics, users can:

  • Connect data from multiple sources including web analytics, social media, CRM, email marketing, and more into a unified dashboard.
  • Analyze consumer behavior across channels to understand the customer journey.
  • Create customized dashboards and interactive reports to track KPIs.
  • Perform cohort analysis and build predictive models to forecast sales and user behavior.
  • Design A/B and multivariate tests to optimize campaigns and website content.
  • Collaborate across teams with features like annotations and sharing.

A few key capabilities of 66Analytics include its exploratory data analysis features that allow users to discover insights without technical SQL skills. It also has flexible filtering options, allowing segmentation by parameters like geography, browser, marketing channel and more. The predictive analysis tools allow marketers to forecast future performance.

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