Action-adventure game developed by FromSoftware, published by Activision, set in late 1500s Sengoku Japan, featuring a shinobi seeking revenge against samurai clan that attacked him and kidnapped his lord.
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is an action-adventure game developed by FromSoftware and published by Activision in 2019. It is set in the Sengoku period of late 1500s Japan, with themes and lore drawing from Buddhist mythology and Japanese folk tales.
Players take on the role of the 'Wolf', a disgraced shinobi on a quest to rescue his young lord and take revenge on the powerful Ashina samurai clan who attacked them. Armed with a special shinobi prosthetic arm that can equip various ninja gadgets, players explore ruined temples, ash-covered battlefields, and corrupted villages while hunting down Ashina clan leaders.
With its emphasis on stealth, exploration, and visceral swordplay, Sekiro combines elements of classic FromSoftware titles like Bloodborne and Dark Souls while bringing new twists to combat with its Posture system and shinobi prosthetic tools. Reviews praised its rewarding gameplay, immense challenge, interconnected world designs, and imaginative enemies rooted in Japanese lore.
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