Way of Retribution: Awakening is a fantasy series that follows a young man who awakens an ancient power within himself and embarks on a journey of revenge. With newfound abilities, he takes on forces of evil while uncovering secrets of his mysterious past.
Way of Retribution: Awakening is a fast-paced fantasy series that chronicles the journey of Arden, a young man who awakens a mystical power from within after his village is ruthlessly attacked. Seeking answers and retribution, Arden sets off on an epic quest to find those responsible for the assault that left his home in ashes.
As Arden travels across the perilous lands, he discovers he now wields ancient magic that enhances his strength, speed and fighting abilities far beyond ordinary limits. He slowly learns to master these newfound powers while continuing to uncover secrets about their origins and his own mysterious past that remain largely unknown to him.
Arden mnust venture across a landscape filled with sinister threats and creatures of darkness, cheated of harm only by his quickening supernatural gifts. His desire for vengeance drives him onward even in the face of escalating danger, determined to use his new skills to exact justice on the forces that destroyed the only life he had ever known.
Along the way, Arden forms critical alliances, clashes against the vile plans of warlocks and villains, and delves deeper into understanding the ancient Wellspring within that fuels his burgeoning might. But he also discovers his radical new powers carry grim consequences, forcing him to carefully toe the line between justice and cruelty.
As Arden pursues enemies shrouded in shadow, the truth he uncovers along his crusade may prove more harrowing than even his induced thirst for retribution. Will the secrets he reveals corrupt his noble mission beyond all recognition of good and evil?
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