Experience the ultimate showdown between Mega Man and Street Fighter characters in this iconic 2012 crossover platform video game, featuring a unique twist on the classic robot master battles.
Street Fighter X Mega Man is a crossover platform video game developed by Capcom and released as a free download for Microsoft Windows in 2012 to celebrate Mega Man's 25th anniversary. The game pits the characters from the Mega Man series against characters from the Street Fighter series.
In Street Fighter X Mega Man, the player takes control of the protagonist Mega Man as he battles against various Street Fighter characters instead of robot masters. The game features a standard Mega Man platforming experience with Mega Man able to acquire special weapons after defeating Street Fighter bosses like Ryu, Chun-Li, Dhalsim and others.
The gameplay is modeled closely after early Mega Man games, with Mega Man jumping and shooting his way through levels while overcoming obstacles and enemies. The Street Fighter bosses provide a fresh roster of enemies with fighting game-inspired moves and patterns. Overall, Street Fighter X Mega Man combines the tight platforming action of classic Mega Man with fun Street Fighter fan service.