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KISSmetrics is a customer analytics and engagement platform that allows companies to track customer behavior across websites, mobile apps, and other platforms. It provides insights into customer journeys, funnel analysis, cohort analysis, and customer retention.

What is KISSmetrics?

KISSmetrics is a robust customer analytics and engagement platform used by companies to understand customer behavior across devices and platforms. It allows businesses to track every customer action across websites, mobile apps, offline interactions, and more to see the customer journey from initial visit to repeat purchase.

Key features of KISSmetrics include:

  • Cross-channel tracking of all customer interactions and tie them back to individuals
  • Analysis of the customer journey including drop-off points, conversions, and funnels
  • Cohort analysis to see trends among customer groups over time
  • Retention tracking to understand customer loyalty and churn
  • Integration with platforms like Shopify, Stripe, MailChimp and others
  • A/B testing capabilities to test variations of UI, campaigns, pricing and more
  • Automatic alerts and custom reporting to share insights across the business

KISSmetrics aims to be an all-in-one customer intelligence platform that goes beyond surface-level metrics like pageviews and downloads. The depth of data it collects allows product, marketing and executive teams to truly understand the customer journey end-to-end. This helps them optimize decision-making to improve customer experiences.

The Best KISSmetrics Alternatives

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