A popular media franchise centered on fictional creatures called Pokémon, where players take the role of trainers traveling across landscapes catching and battling with Pokémon, originally as a pair of video games for the Game Boy.
Pokémon is an enormous media franchise that was created by Satoshi Tajiri in 1995. It centers around fictional creatures called Pokémon, which humans, known as Pokémon trainers, catch and train to battle each other for sport.
The video game series, which is developed by Game Freak and published by Nintendo, pairs two titles together for each generation - for example, Pokémon Red and Pokémon Blue. Players act as Pokémon trainers who travel across the game's setting to capture and battle with Pokémon in order to complete their Pokédex, a catalog of every Pokémon available. Battling wild Pokémon allows the player's Pokémon to gain experience points and level up, learning new moves and growing stronger.
Since debuting internationally in 1996, the Pokémon video games have gone on to become some of the best-selling titles on Nintendo's handheld systems. The franchise expanded into several anime series and movies, a trading card game, toys, merchandise and more. Its lasting popularity stems from its menagerie of hundreds of creative character designs paired with accessible but deep gameplay.
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