A private gratitude journaling app to help users cultivate positivity and appreciate the good in their lives, logging things they're thankful for each day.
Eyes' Thanks is a gratitude journaling application designed to help users focus on the positive by writing down things they are grateful for on a daily basis. The app provides a private, password-protected space for users to log what they are thankful for each day and reflect on the good things in their life.
Research shows that regularly practicing gratitude can have benefits such as improved mental health, physical health, relationships, and overall well-being. By providing a simple interface for logging gratitiude, Eyes' Thanks aims to make it easy for users to incorporate this evidence-based positive psychology practice into their daily routines.
Within the app, users can write multiple gratitude journal entries per day if they choose. For each entry they can title it, tag it with emojis to represent emotions, rate their mood, log what they are specifically grateful for, and any additional notes. The app then compiles the entries in an easy-to-navigate calendar view so users can look back on what they have previously logged.
Optional features include the ability to set daily reminders to prompt journaling, inspiration quotes and ideas for things to be grateful for, analysis of emotion tags and mood ratings over time, passcode protection, and customized themes. The app also has a user community and support forum for discussing gratitude practices.
Overall, Eyes' Thanks aims to make gratitude journaling as simple and rewarding as possible, with the ultimate goal of supporting users' mental health and wellness by helping them consciously focus on the blessing they already have in life.
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