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Feedjit is a real-time web analytics service that allows website owners to track visitors to their site in real-time. It shows detailed analytics like location, referral sources, and more.

What is Feedjit?

Feedjit is a real-time web analytics service launched in 2008 that allows website owners to track visitors to their site in real-time. Some key features of Feedjit include:

  • A real-time map that shows where visitors are coming from around the world.
  • Data on referral sources so you can see which websites are sending you traffic.
  • Information on browsers, operating systems, screen resolutions, and connection speeds of visitors.
  • Tracking of Facebook likes and tweets of page content.
  • Ability to blacklist certain IP addresses.
  • Customizable widgets to place Feedjit data on your site.
  • URL tracking to see which pages on your site are popular.
  • Support for multiple websites under one account.
  • Simple setup by just adding a tracking code to pages you want to monitor.

Overall, Feedjit provides an easy way for site owners, bloggers, and webmasters to get valuable real-time analytics about who is visiting their site and how they're interacting with it. The service is free and works well for personal websites and blogs.

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