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DocHub is a document management and sharing platform that allows teams to store, access, edit, and collaborate on documents from any device. It enables centralized control, automated workflows, and seamless integration with popular applications.

What is DocHub?

DocHub is a cloud-based document management system designed for teams and organizations to store, organize, share, and collaborate on files and documents from any device. Its key features include:

  • Centralized repository for all document types - store Word, Excel, PDFs, images etc.
  • Flexible permissions for access control and document security
  • Automated workflows like review and approval processes
  • Version history and revisions tracking
  • Search and metadata to easily find documents
  • Customizable folders and tags for organization
  • Document previews without downloading file
  • Annotations and comments for collaboration
  • Accessibility from any web browser or mobile device
  • Integration with popular business apps like Office 365, G Suite, Slack etc.
  • Robust admin console to manage users, settings, and usage

With its user-friendly interface, customizable platform, and focus on collaboration, DocHub enables teams to efficiently manage documents, reduce manual processes, and boost productivity.

The Best DocHub Alternatives

Top Apps like DocHub

Adobe Acrobat DC, Nitro PDF Pro, PandaDoc, PDF Expert, PDF Signer, Fill and Sign PDF Forms, SignOnDoc, HelloSign, DocuSeal, DigiSigner, RAD PDF,, DottedSign, SignEasy, Sky Signature, OnTask, Software602 Sign Master, Wondershare SignX, Outlaw, PingSign, Signsquid, PDF Signet, High Sign, Secured Signing, Countasign, GetAccept, Signority, RightSignature, PlatoForms, Nitro Cloud, eSign Genie, are some alternatives to DocHub.

Adobe Acrobat DC

Adobe Acrobat DC is a suite of applications and services developed by Adobe Systems for working with PDF files, which is a widely used file format for document exchange. Acrobat DC stands for Document Cloud, reflecting Adobe's focus on cloud-based services and collaborative workflows. Key Components and Features: Adobe...

Nitro PDF Pro

Nitro PDF Pro is a feature-rich PDF editor and converter application by Nitro Software. As an Adobe Acrobat alternative, it provides advanced tools for creating, editing, converting, signing, securing, and collaborating on PDF documents.With Nitro PDF Pro, users can easily edit text and images in PDFs without needing to...


PandaDoc is a cloud-based document creation and management platform designed to help sales and marketing teams streamline the process of creating, sending, tracking, and signing sales documents like proposals, quotes, and contracts. Key features include:Customizable proposal, contract, and invoice templatesTools to add images, videos, tables, e-signatures, and dynamic fields...

PDF Expert

PDF Expert is a powerful PDF editor and reader application for macOS. Originally developed by Readdle, it is designed specifically for Apple's operating system to provide a seamless PDF management experience.With PDF Expert, you can easily view, create, edit, annotate, protect, sign, and fill PDF documents. Its clean and...

PDF Signer

PDF Signer is a versatile software application used to electronically sign and fill out PDF documents. It provides a complete set of tools to apply signatures, fill forms, add text, images, shapes and more to PDF files without the need for printing and scanning.Key features of PDF Signer include...

Fill and Sign PDF Forms

Fill and sign PDF forms software provides the ability to complete PDF documents digitally without needing to print them out. This type of software makes it easy to fill in text fields, add signatures, check boxes, and more right within a PDF file.Major benefits include:- Adding text, images...


SignOnDoc is a cloud-based electronic signature and digital transaction management software. It provides users with the ability to send, sign, track, and manage documents digitally with legally-binding electronic signatures.Some key features of SignOnDoc include:Send documents for e-signature via email or shareable linkCreate reusable templates to save time on...


HelloSign is a leading electronic signature and document workflow platform used by over 80,000 companies worldwide. It provides a fast, easy way for businesses to digitize paper-based processes and sign, send, and manage documents and agreements online.With HelloSign, users can create reusable templates and customize forms with drag-and-drop editing. Documents...


DocuSeal is a cloud-based electronic signature and document management solution that enables organizations to create, sign, send, and manage documents online. Some key features include:Drag-and-drop form builder to easily create custom documents and signature workflows without codingLegally-binding eSignatures that are ESIGN, UETA and GDPR compliantCustomizable approval workflows and routing...


DigiSigner is a robust electronic signature solution designed to help organizations manage digital signatures effectively. It provides powerful tools to create, send, sign, and store documents digitally with proper authentication and consent.With DigiSigner, you can set up flexible and customizable signature workflows to match your business needs. It supports...


RAD PDF is a versatile PDF software designed to provide users with a range of tools for working with PDF files. It enables viewing, annotation, creation, conversion, security, and collaboration features for PDFs.Key features include:Intuitive PDF reader for viewing and annotating PDFsRobust PDF editor for modifying and reorganizing... is a cloud-based file transfer and sharing service that enables users to securely distribute large files that exceed common email attachment size limits. It provides enterprise-grade security features including end-to-end encryption, access controls with expirations and passwords, audit logs, and file version histories.Core capabilities include simple drag-and-drop...


DottedSign is a cloud-based electronic signature and digital transaction management platform that enables organizations to send, sign, and manage documents digitally with legally-binding electronic signatures. Some key features and benefits of DottedSign include:Workflow customization - DottedSign allows users to easily customize document workflows including defining signing order, specifying signer...


SignEasy is a leading electronic and digital signature software solution that enables users to sign, send and manage documents securely from any device. With SignEasy, you can:Get documents signed in minutes by uploading them from your computer, cloud storage, email or directly from other appsAdd your signature, as well...

Sky Signature

Sky Signature is a versatile graphic design and photo editing software suitable for hobbyists, professionals, and everyone in between. It comes packed with an intuitive interface and powerful tools to enhance photos, create original artwork, design graphics and illustrations, mockups, and more.Some key features of Sky Signature include:Layer-based...


OnTask is a cloud-based task and project management application designed for teams and organizations. It provides a wide range of features to help collaborate on projects and track tasks, including:Task lists with priorities, due dates, assignments, comments, attachmentsKanban-style boards to visualize workGantt charts and calendars to schedule projectsTime tracking...

Software602 Sign Master

Software602 Sign Master is a comprehensive electronic signature and digital transaction management software solution. It enables organizations to create, sign, send, and manage electronic documents and digital signatures seamlessly and securely.Key features of Software602 Sign Master include:Create legally-valid electronic and digital signaturesSecurely sign PDFs and other documents with...

Wondershare SignX

Wondershare SignX is a comprehensive digital signature and electronic signature software solution designed to help businesses and individuals sign documents digitally. It provides a quick and easy way to add legally-binding e-signatures to PDFs, Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, and more.With Wondershare SignX, you can create reusable templates to speed...


Outlaw is an open-source email marketing and automation platform built as an alternative to MailChimp. It provides many of the same core features including:Creating and sending email campaignsBuilding sign up forms and landing pagesManaging contacts and subscriber listsViewing analytics on emails and campaignsWhere Outlaw differs from MailChimp is its...


PingSign is an easy-to-use yet powerful eSignature and digital transaction management platform suitable for businesses of all sizes. It streamlines the process of sending, signing, managing, and storing documents by making everything digital and automated.With PingSign, you can upload documents from your computer, cloud storage, email, or other apps...


Signsquid is an open-source e-signature software designed to enable paperless workflows. It allows users to sign documents digitally through legally-binding e-signatures that comply with global standards like ESIGN Act and eIDAS.Key features of Signsquid include:Drag-and-drop form builder to create customized documents and signature fields without codingTemplate library of...

PDF Signet

PDF Signet is a lightweight free tool for digitally signing PDF documents to attest to their validity and confirm the signer's identity. It uses industry-standard public key cryptography to apply digital signatures and timestamps to PDF files.Key features include:Applying PDF signatures that are cryptographically validated to guarantee document...

High Sign

High Sign is an open-source digital signature software used to electronically sign documents and verify digital signatures. It allows users to securely sign PDFs, Word documents, text files and more with digital signatures that certify authenticity.Key features of High Sign include:Multiple signature support - Allows getting signatures from...

Secured Signing

Secured Signing is a comprehensive electronic signature and digital transaction management solution designed for business and government organizations. It enables paperless workflows by allowing users to electronically prepare, sign, send, and store documents from any device.With Secured Signing, multiple parties can securely sign a document in sequence in just...


Countasign is a cloud-based electronic signature and document management solution that allows organizations to send, sign, track, and manage documents securely. Some key features include:Send documents for e-signature using drag-and-drop workflows and pre-built templatesLegally binding e-signatures with identity verificationAudit trails and timestamping for signing activities and documentsDocument workflow automation...


GetAccept is a consent management platform designed to help companies be compliant with privacy regulations like GDPR, CCPA, and more. It allows you to:Create customizable consent banners, popups, and preference centers to inform users and obtain their permissions.Document and manage user consent by geography, device, product, etc. to...


Signority is an easy-to-use electronic signature software designed to help businesses and teams sign documents digitally. It provides a complete paperless solution enabling users to prepare, sign, act on documents from anywhere, anytime.With Signority, you can simply upload a document, add signature fields to it, and send out to...


RightSignature is a cloud-based eSignature and document management solution designed for small and medium-sized businesses. It provides a simple way to send, sign, track, and store documents and contracts without the need for printing, scanning, faxing, or mailing hard copies.With RightSignature, users can create and upload custom documents, import...


PlatoForms is a user-friendly online form building application that enables anyone to create customized web forms, surveys, questionnaires, polls, and more without needing any technical skills or coding knowledge. It provides an intuitive drag-and-drop form editor that allows you to easily add various form fields such as text inputs, multiple...

Nitro Cloud

Nitro Cloud is a cloud-based PDF software that offers robust features and capabilities for working with PDF documents. Some key highlights of Nitro Cloud include:Intuitive PDF editor for creating, editing and converting PDFsTools for annotating, highlighting, adding comments and signatures to PDFsOCR technology to convert scanned documents into searchable...

ESign Genie

eSign Genie is a comprehensive electronic signature software solution that makes it easy for businesses and teams to get documents signed digitally. Some key features of eSign Genie include:Drag-and-drop editor to create reusable templates for repeatable workflowCustom branding options to match company logo, colors and messagingAnalytics to track document... is a user-friendly online PDF editor that enables you to make changes to existing PDF files without needing to install any software. It provides a suite of tools for filling out forms, adding text, inserting images, applying signatures, highlighting, commenting and more.Some key features of FillAnyPDF include...