what3words is a geocoding system that divides the world into 3 meter squares and assigns each square a unique 3 word address, enabling easy location sharing.
what3words is a geocoding system that has divided the world into 3 meter squares and assigned each square a unique 3 word identifier. For example, the square that contains the front door of 10 Downing Street in London has been assigned the 3 word address ///slurs.this.shark.
This system allows people to share their precise location in an easy to say and remember way using just 3 words. The what3words app and online map allow you to convert 3 word addresses into coordinates or find the 3 word address for any location. The system is far simpler than trying to share latitude and longitude coordinates.
what3words is available in over 45 languages and works offline. It was designed to make it easier for people to describe precisely where help or services are needed. what3words addresses are short, memorable and unambiguous so they are easier for voice communication in difficult situations.
Common situations what3words helps improve communication around locations include last mile delivery services communicating destinations to drivers, emergency services being directed to exactly the right place, tourists requesting taxis or guides to hard to describe spots, and general ease of sharing meeting points in urban or rural locations.
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